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2016-04-18 23:53:09

How would you like the money? ●●●●●●hage xr "You know it's funny, I told Justin, he and Ben [A●●●●●●] are ●●●●●●ly the ●●●●●●st guys on Earth," Mackie told MTV News' Josh H●●●●●●z about his "Runner, Runner" co-stars. "They both have ●●●●●●ful, ●●●●●●g wives — rich wives. They both ●●●●●● lose. He puts out an album, it goes ●●●●●●um. Ben wins a poker ●●●●●●●●●●●●. He wins Oscars. He ●●●●●●s ●●●●●●. So I just told Justin, I want to bring you down to Earth a ●●●●●● bit. Just smack you up. So that's why I took it. None of that was in the ●●●●●●, I just went on set and ●●●●●●d the sh-- out of him."